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Database Security - Agents
Unequaled Adaptability and Efficiency

With SecureSphere, you don’t have to worry about “agent vs. network” deployment choices. Competing solutions force you to choose between the two. However, IT environments often require both options because of network or server constraints. SecureSphere offers non-intrusive network monitoring appliances, lightweight agents, or a hybrid mix of the two. SecureSphere dramatically reduces the hidden hardware and software costs associated with competing products and built-in auditing tools because SecureSphere agents are highly efficient and easy to deploy and manage.

SecureSphere provides a flexible architecture allowing choice between network-based and agent-based activity monitoring. Our hybrid architecture enables customers to deploy the right mix of network appliances and agents to meet their needs. Physical and virtual network appliances monitor activity with no need to modify applications, clients or servers. Agents provide the ability to monitor local activity, including the actions of privileged users. A single SecureSphere agent can be installed on a server to monitor database activity, file activity, or both.

Database Agents

SecureSphere database security solutions utilize host-based agents to monitor and audit database activity, and manage privileged user access to sensitive data. Unique to the industry, Imperva enables customers to optimize their DAM implementations by combining agent-based monitoring and network activity monitoring. SecureSphere database agents can be configured for monitoring local privileged activity exclusively, or for monitoring all database activity. Using SecureSphere database agents organizations can achieve comprehensive database auditing with minimal overhead and unparalleled scalability.

SecureSphere database agents are available for monitoring all major open system databases. Specialized agents are available for monitoring mainframe databases (DB2 for z/OS) and iSeries (DB2/400).

File System Agents

SecureSphere file server agents monitor activity directly on file servers to eliminate any monitoring blind spots. Agents can monitor all file access activity, or just local activity. This unique ability allows organizations to deploy an optimized mix of agent-based and network-based activity monitoring. SecureSphere file server agents provide comprehensive file activity monitoring for highly distributed environments and networks with obscured file traffic.