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Secure Cloud Computing - Data Security for SaaS Providers
Protect Your Cloud Deployments With Imperva's World Class Data Security Solutions

Data Security for SaaSSoftware as a Service (SaaS) providers store and process large volumes of sensitive data. As customers look for Cloud-based applications as a way to improve productivity and cut costs, they rely on their SaaS Providers to secure their data.

SecureSphere enables SaaS Providers to secure sensitive customer data against Web attacks and apply internal controls required by regulations such as PCI, SOX, HIPAA and others.

Web Attack Protection for Cloud Applications

SecureSphere Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides the industry-leading protection against Web attacks targeting Cloud web applications. These applications are a primary target for hackers due to the depth and breadth of data that can be breached. From a business standpoint, SaaS Providers should strive to assure their customers they provide state of the art security and have a heightened focus on data privacy and confidentiality.

By embedding SecureSphere WAF as part of their perimeter defense SaaS Providers can establish a strategic advantage over less secured competitive offerings.

Data Access Auditing for Cloud Applications

As SaaS Providers acquire larger and more sophisticated customers, they are required to establish internal controls around sensitive data, the same controls used for on-premise applications. SecureSphere Database and File Activity Monitoring solutions provide comprehensive auditing of access to sensitive data by applications and privileged users. SecureSphere enables SaaS Providers and their customers to demonstrate compliance with key regulatory requirements.

SaaS Providers can offer SecureSphere Database and File Security solutions to their customers that need to comply with specific regulations. These solutions are available as virtual or physical appliances that can be deployed against database instances and file systems that contain sensitive data and for specific customers.

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