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SecureSphere Platform
The Flexibility, Scalability, and Ease-of-Use You Need to Secure Your Data Center

Imperva delivers a Data Center Security platform that can be deployed in the cloud or on premise to protect a single application or tens of thousands of servers. You get the scalability, centralized management, and advanced technologies you need to lower your operational costs and keep your data center assets safe.

Safeguard High-Value Assets Across both Physical and Virtual Data Centers

Protecting applications and data is more challenging than ever now that data centers extend beyond physical walls to the cloud. For optimum security, efficiency and total cost of ownership, you need a data center security platform that matches your environment. Imperva delivers that platform with robust hardware and virtual appliances. SecureSphere Hardware Appliances provide high performance, resilient components for an exceedingly long product life, and fail open interfaces for high availability. With flexible deployment on VMware ESX and Amazon Web Services (AWS), SecureSphere Virtual Appliances support virtual private and public cloud environments.

Safeguard High-Value Assets Across both Physical and Virtual Data Centers

Easily Manage Large, Distributed Deployments

You can easily scale out your SecureSphere deployment while containing IT operational costs. SecureSphere Management Solutions provide the visibility and control you need to efficiently protect your data center assets. The MX Management Server centrally manages and monitors multiple SecureSphere gateways from a single console. SecureSphere Operations Manager extends across data centers to administer up to 50 MX Management Servers.

Easily Manage Large, Distributed Deployments

Leverage Advanced Technologies to Improve Accuracy, Transparency, and User Insight

Imperva technologies enable you to improve accuracy, decrease complexity, deliver full accountability, and broaden deployment options. That translates into more stopped attacks and greater operational efficiency. With patented technologies like Dynamic Profiling, SecureSphere keeps your web applications, databases, and file servers protected without entailing network changes or burdensome IT costs. Break down the barriers to a successful security deployment with unique innovations from Imperva.

Leverage Advanced Technologies to Improve Accuracy, Transparency, and User Insight

SecureSphere Platform


The SecureSphere MX Management Server is a centralized management platform for multiple SecureSphere gateways. It provides a single point for aggregating security policy, hierarchical security management, real-time monitoring, logging, auditing and compliance reporting. The SecureSphere MX Management Server can simultaneously manage SecureSphere Database, File and Web Security gateways from a single console.

Hardware Appliances

SecureSphere appliances provide superior performance, scalability, and resiliency for demanding network environments. Fail-open interfaces offer fast, cost-effective high availability. A high performance architecture allows organizations to support heavy traffic loads while consolidating device management. To maximize uptime, the SecureSphere X2500, X4500, and X6500 models feature redundant, hot-swappable power supplies, fans, and hard drives. SecureSphere hardware appliances provide the flexibility, reliability and performance needed to power the SecureSphere Database, File and Web security solutions.

Virtual Appliances

SecureSphere Virtual Appliances provide the complete SecureSphere product line in a flexible, easy to install software solution. Virtual Appliances allow organizations to leverage existing hardware for data center consolidation, maximize server utilization and cut power, cooling and support costs. Virtual Appliances offer adaptable, reliable and manageable security for organizations of all sizes.


For 360 degree visibility into user activity, SecureSphere extends its monitoring, auditing, and enforcement capabilities to host servers. The light weight SecureSphere agent can be used to audit database activity and protect sensitive data with minimal impact to the server performance. Agent communications to the SecureSphere appliance are buffered and encrypted to prevent data loss or compromise. SecureSphere agents can optionally block user activity and quarantine user accounts in the event of a security violation.