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Secure Cloud Computing - Data Security for IaaS Providers
Protect Your Cloud Deployments With Imperva's World Class Data Security Solutions

Iaas SolutionsOrganizations turn to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, such as Web Hosting and MSSPs, for a virtual and flexible data center platform that extend traditional environments. By using these secured and dynamic offerings, businesses can optimize their IT infrastructure and reduce capital and operational expenses.

Imperva SecureSphere enables IaaS providers to deliver best-in-class data security for their Cloud data centers. SecureSphere provide a comprehensive Database, File and Web Security solution that protects Cloud environments from external and internal threats and enable a cost effective route to regulatory compliance.

Data Security Infrastructure for Cloud Data Centers

By deploying SecureSphere, IaaS providers can dramatically reduce the risk of a data breach. SecureSphere Web Application Firewall (WAF) protects Cloud applications against complex and sophisticated internet attacks. Due to the multi-tenant nature of many Cloud data centers, the impact of a data breach is magnified as weakness in one environment could potentially impact unrelated environments. Data breach prevention is, therefore, a strategic objective of IaaS providers. By deploying SecureSphere, IaaS Providers can secure their customer's data and gain a competitive advantage over less secured competitive offerings.

On-Demand Data Security for Enterprise Private Clouds

SecureSphere virtual appliances enable drop-in protection for Enterprise Private Clouds. IaaS providers can create incremental revenue opportunities by offering customers to provision virtual SecureSphere appliances solutions as part of their a-la-carte offerings.

Cloud-based Web Attack Protection Service for SMBs

Qualified IaaS providers can offer Incapsula, a Cloud WAF service based on SecureSphere technology, to their SMB customers. These customers often can't manage or afford a standalone WAF solution. Incapsula is provisioned through a simple sign-up process and involves no hardware or software installation and customization. Reselling Incapsula requires no capital or operational expense from the IaaS providers.

Physical or Virtual Data Security Solution for Maximum Uptime and Elasticity

SecureSphere can be deployed as a physical or virtual appliance. Physical appliances are ideal for optimized performance and scalability, while virtual appliances provide cost-effective solution for securing specific customer environments of varying sizes.