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Secure Cloud Computing
Protect Your Cloud Deployments With Imperva's World Class Data Security Solutions

Imperva Secure Cloud ComputingSecure Cloud computing enables organizations to effectively respond to changing business requirements without increasing the risk of data theft or loss. IT is tasked with the adoption of Cloud-based application delivery models while ensuring enterprise-grade security for the emerging Cloud data center.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Providers

Provide state-of-the-art flexible and secure Cloud data centers. By pooling together large number of tenants, and leveraging virtualization and large scale management capabilities, IaaS providers deliver a sophisticated and elastic data center platform. SecureSphere enables IaaS providers to offer Web attack protection, data security and regulatory compliance services to their customers and generate incremental business.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) Providers

Offer application development and delivery platforms that accelerate time-to-market of new application and services. SecureSphere enables PaaS Providers to provide their customers with Web attack protection as part of the underlying application architecture.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Providers

Deliver Cloud-based business applications for sales, financial, HR and other functional areas. These applications host large amounts of sensitive data across many organizations. As organizations adopt Cloud applications to streamline their IT operations, SaaS Providers are expected to ensure data security and address regulatory compliance – as would be the case for on-premise data.

Enterprise Private Clouds

Organizations are looking to leverage the Cloud as a flexible, scalable and secure platform for their critical business applications. SecureSphere enables enterprise, government organizations and SMBs to protect their Private Clouds from external and internal threats and streamline regulatory compliance projects.