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Web Security
Protect Web Applications from Online Attacks

SecureSphere Database Security
Imperva Appliances
Hardware Appliances
Virtual Appliances

Imperva Web Application Security solutions protect Web applications from online attacks. Imperva solutions continuously adapt to evolving threats and enable security professionals, network managers, and application developers to mitigate the risk of a data breach and address compliance requirements such as PCI 6.6.

Key Capabilities

Web Application Security Products

SecureSphere Web Application Firewall

The market-leading SecureSphere Web Application Firewall delivers automated protection against current application attacks, including SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF. SecureSphere combines automated application learning with up-to-date protection polices and signatures from the Imperva Application Defense Center to accurately identify and stop attacks. Granular correlation rules, reputation-based security, and a powerful reporting framework complete SecureSphere's superior multi-layer protection. With multi-gigabit inline and non-inline configuration options, SecureSphere offers drop-in deployment and ultra high performance, meeting the most demanding data center requirements.

Web Application Firewall Add-Ons

ThreatRadar Reputation Services

ThreatRadar enables you to stop large-scale, automated attacks and prevent hackers from infiltrating your site. ThreatRadar deflects known malicious sources, anonymous proxies, phishing URLs, and requests from suspicious countries to keep your applications safe. User reputation information from ThreatRadar lets you free-up application infrastructure, maximize website uptime, and protect your intellectual property.

ThreatRadar Fraud Prevention

Accelerate your web fraud security deployments and easily manage your fraud policies from the SecureSphere web user interface, without impacting your web applications. ThreatRadar Fraud Prevention integrates with leading web fraud solutions to transparently identify and prevent fraudulent activity.

DDoS Protection Service

DDoS Protection Service for SecureSphere is a secure, ultra-high capacity service that safeguards your organization from crippling DDoS attacks. This service scales on demand to mitigate 100 Gbps+ DDoS attacks so you can block DDoS attack traffic before it impacts your brand and business.

Incapsula and DDoS Protection


Protect all of your web assets, including your corporate website, your departmental applications, your hosted applications, with Imperva Incapsula, a simple, affordable web application security service.

Imperva Incapsula: